Guidance for Adobe User Management connector
Read the following information for guidance and best practices when using the Adobe User Management connector in your flows.
Required roles
A member of the organization with system administration rights can create a new connection.
Account settings and licenses
You can update Adobe Enterprise and Federated IDs that are managed by your organization.
An Adobe Enterprise license is required. Users included in an org need to be assigned to specific groups.
Action card or event card-specific limitations
Delete and Remove action cards
The Adobe User Management delete and remove action cards have the following behavior:
The Remove User Membership action card removes all user types from the Adobe org, but leaves directory users in their directories.
The Delete Directory User action card removes directory users from the org and from their directory system. In addition, the card also removes Adobe users from an org.
Removing or deleting a user that doesn't exist in an org results in a Success or Completed message.
Update User action
You can update Adobe Enterprise and Federated IDs that are managed by your organization.
You can't update the Username field for Adobe Enterprise accounts.
Read User action
Detailed information about the Group field.
List of groups that the user is a current member of including:
user groups
product profiles
product admin groups
group-specific admin groups
Administrative groups are named with a prefix and the group name.
For example:
Organization-wide admin groups are:
_org_admin: The user is a System Administrator.
_deployment_admin: The user is a Deployment Administrator.
_support_admin: The user is a Support Administrator.