Create Preauthorization

Create a preauthorization to allow a user to access an Advanced Server Access project. When pre-authorizations are enabled for a project, users are only allowed to access servers within a project if there is a valid, non-expired pre-authorization for their user associated with the project.

Earlier versions of the Advanced Server Access connector and the Create Preauthorization action card are no longer available. Existing flows that contain the Create Preauthorization action card will continue to run without interruption.

To add or replace a Create Preauthorization card in a new or existing flow, you must create a new Advanced Server Access connection and select the Create Pre-authorization action card from the Add app action dialog.


Field Definition Type Required

Indicates whether the pre-authorization is enabled when created.

Pre-authorizations that are in the Disabled state can later be enabled with the Update Pre-authorization action card.



Expires At Date and time when the preauthorization expires.

Date & Time


User Name Advanced Server Access username of the user to whom the preauthorization applies.



Project Name Advanced Server Access project for which the preauthorization is created.




Field Definition Type
Status Code

Result of the operation. The connector returns an HTTP status code that indicates whether the action taken by the card succeeded or failed. For example:

  • A 201 Created status code indicates success where a new resource was created.
  • A 403 Forbidden error indicates that the HTTP request wasn't processed because the necessary permissions were missing.

For a full list of possible status codes, see HTTP status codes.


Expires At Date and time when the preauthorization expires.

Date & Time

Username Advanced Server Access username of the user to whom the preauthorization applies.


Preauthorization ID Identifier for the preauthorization. Value can be used in other action cards or in calls to other APIs.


Field Definition Type Required
Username Advanced Server Access username of the user to whom the preauthorization applies. String TRUE
Project Advanced Server Access project. String TRUE
Expires At Date and time when the preauthorization expires. Date & Time TRUE
Field Definition Type
ID Unique ID for the preauthorization. String
Username Username to which the preauthorization is assigned. String
Projects List of projects to which the preauthorization applies. List
Expires At Date and time when preauthorization expires. Date & Time
Disabled Indicates whether the preauthorization is disabled. Boolean

Related topics

Advanced Server Access connector

Workflow elements

Advanced Server Access API documentation