Folder Created
Trigger a flow when a new folder is created in or added to Google Drive.
Field | Definition | Type |
Folder |
Folder Name | Name of the folder. |
Text |
Folder ID | Unique ID of the folder. |
Text |
Description | Description of the folder. |
Text |
Starred | Indicates whether the folder is starred. |
True/False |
Parent Item ID | Parent folder for the file. |
List of Text |
Version | Monotonically increasing version number for the folder; this reflects every change made to the folder on the server, even those not visible to the requesting user. |
Text |
Web View Link | URL for the link that will pull up the folder inside Google Drive. |
Text |
Created Time | Date when the folder was created (in ISO format). |
Text |
Modified Time | Date when the folder was last modified (in ISO format). |
Text |
Last Modified User | Name of the user who last modified the folder. |
Text |
Permissions |
Shared | Indicates whether the file is shared and accessible. |
True/False |
Owner | Name of the person who owns the file. |
Text |
Editors | Names of people who have edit access to the file. |
List of Text |
Viewers | Names of people who have viewer access to the file. |
List of Text |
Commenters | Names of people who have comment access to the file. |
List of Text |
Allow File Discovery | Indicates whether the file is discoverable through search inside Google Drive. |
True/False |
Writers Can Share | Indicates whether the people with write access can share the file. |
True/False |