
Authorize this connector by creating a connection to your Google Drive account. You can reuse this connection the next time that you build a flow with this connector.

You can create multiple connections, manage them from your Connections page, and share them with your teammates.

Before you begin

  • Google admin credentials

To set up a new configuration in Google Drive:

  1. Enter an Account Nickname. This should be unique. If you are connecting multiple Google Drive accounts, then you'll be able to tell them apart.

  2. Click Create to finish this configuration.

Supported Scopes




Supported Drives

The Google Drive connector doesn't support shared drives or sharing links. A user's connection cannot be used to access files in another user's account.

Disclaimer Statement

The app's use of information received from Google Drive APIs will adhere to Google's Limited Use Requirements.

Related topics

Google Drive connector

Workflow elements

Google Workspace API documentation