Guidance for Microsoft Teams connector

Read the following information for guidance and best practices when using the Microsoft Teams connector in your flows.


Create a connection using an admin or user Microsoft Teams account. See Authorization.

The connection uses delegated access and delegated permissions, not app-only access or app-only permissions.

Reauthorize a connection

If you've used your account to create a connection successfully, you should be able to use this account to create as many connections as you want and reauthorize the old connections as long as no configuration is changed by the admin.

Types of accounts

  • Microsoft Teams admin account
  • Microsoft Teams admin credentials

Supported scopes

The following OAuth scopes must be enabled in your Microsoft Teams environment:

  • email

  • openid

  • profile

  • offline_access

  • Team.Create

  • Group.ReadWrite.All

  • Directory.ReadWrite.All

  • TeamMember.ReadWrite.All

  • ChannelMember.ReadWrite.All

  • Channel.Create

  • ChannelSettings.ReadWrite.All

  • ChannelMessage.Send Chat.ReadWrite

Action card or event card-specific limitations

There are several action cards with specific limitations.

Create Channel

For membership type, when creating a private channel, the entire team is added as members of the channel. After a delay, the user who created the Workflows connection is assigned as an owner of the channel.

Add users to private channels only.

All users who have been added to a private channels must already be a member of the Team.

Users previously added to private channels can only be removed from private channels.

All User IDs passed into the card are made owners of the private channel.

The user account used to created the Workflows connection is automatically be added to the list of users by the connector. It is not necessary to pass in the user ID for the connected user.

Create Chat

The user account, that is used to make the Workflows connection, is automatically added to the list of users by the connector. It is not necessary to pass in the User ID for the connected user.

Search Chats

If the First 50 Matching Records option is selected from Result Set, the API may not respond with all the records that are expected. To ensure that all records are found, use the Stream Matching Records option.

Related topics

Microsoft Teams connector

Workflow elements

Guidance for Microsoft Teams connector

Microsoft Teams API overview