Read Schedule Rotation

Read the participants and time restrictions of a specific schedule rotation.


Make sure that the API key that's used to create the Opsgenie connection for this card is not team-specific. Otherwise, any input value in the Team ID or Team Name fields on this card will not override the team that's specified by a team-specific API key. It is recommended to create and manage API keys on the Opsgenie API key management page.


Field Definition Type Required
Schedule Identifier Specifies how you identify the schedule. Choose one of the following options:
  • Schedule ID: Unique ID of the schedule rotation.
  • Schedule Name: Name of the schedule rotation.




These fields are dynamically generated based on the fields selected in Options.

Field Definition Type Required
Schedule ID

Unique ID of the schedule.

Displays when Schedule ID is selected from the Schedule Identifier Options.



Schedule Name

Name of the schedule.

Displays when Schedule Name is selected from the Schedule Identifier Option.



Rotation ID Unique ID of schedule rotation.




Field Definition Type
ID Unique ID of the schedule rotation.


Name Name of the schedule rotation.


Start Date Start date of the schedule. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ. Minutes may take 0 or 30 as value. Otherwise they will be converted to nearest 0 or 30 automatically.

Date & Time

End Date End date of the tschedule. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ. Minutes may take 0 or 30 as value. Otherwise they will be converted to nearest 0 or 30 automatically.

Date & Time

Type Duration of rotation. Choose one of the following options:
  • Hourly

  • Daily

  • Weekly


Length Specifies the length of the rotation.

For example, if the rotation is hourly and length is 5 then it is a 5-hour rotation.


Participants List of escalations, teams, users or the reserved word none which will be used in schedule. Each of them can be used multiple times and will be rotated in the order they given. Array of Objects
Time Restrictions Used to limit schedule rotation to certain day and time of the week, using multiple start and end times for each day of the week. This allows applying different scheduling rotations at different times.


Related topics

Opsgenie connector

Workflow elements

Opsgenie API overview