Read Customer
Read a customer profile in Shopify.
Field | Definition | Type | Required |
Customer |
Customer ID |
Customer's globally unique identifier. |
Number |
Field | Definition | Type |
ID |
Customer's globally unique identifier. |
Number |
Customer's email address. |
Text |
Created At |
Date and time when the object was created. |
Date & Time |
Updated At |
Date and time when the customer profile was last updated. |
Date & Time |
First Name |
Customer's first name. |
Text |
Last Name |
Customer's last name. |
Text |
Orders Count |
Number of orders that the customer has made at the store in their lifetime. |
Number |
State |
State of the customer's account with the shop. |
Text |
Total Spent |
Total amount that the customer has spent on orders in their lifetime. |
Text |
Last Order ID |
Globally unique identifier for the customer's last order. |
Number |
Note |
A note about the customer. |
Text |
Verified Email? |
Indicates whether the customer has verified their email address. |
True/False |
Multipass Identifier |
Unique identifier for the customer that's used with Multipass login. |
Text |
Tax Exempt? |
Indicates whether the customer is exempt from paying taxes on their order. |
True/False |
Phone |
Customer's phone number. |
Text |
Tags |
Comma separated list of tags that have been added to the customer. |
Text |
Last Order Name |
Unique identifier for the order that appears on the order. For example, #1000 or _Store1001. This value is not unique across multiple stores. |
Text |
Currency |
Currency of the store. |
Text |
Addresses |
ID |
Unique identifier for the address object. |
Number |
Customer ID |
Customer's globally unique identifier. |
Number |
First Name |
Customer's first name. |
Text |
Last Name |
Customer's last name. |
Text |
Company |
Customer's company name. |
Text |
Address1 |
Customer's first address line. |
Text |
Address2 |
Customer's second address line. |
Text |
City |
Customer's city. |
Text |
Province |
Customer's province or state. |
Text |
Country |
Customer's country. |
Text |
Customer's zip code. |
Text |
Phone |
Customer's phone number. |
Text |
Name |
Customer's full name. |
Text |
Province Code |
Customer's province code or state abbreviation. |
Text |
Country Code |
Customer's country code. |
Text |
Country Name |
Customer's normalized country name. |
Text |
Default? |
Indicates whether the address is the customer's default address. |
True/False |
Tax Exemptions |
List of tax exemptions to apply to the customer. |
List of Text |
GraphicQL API ID |
Customer's unique identifier based on the pattern //shopify/Customer/{customer_id}. |
Text |
Default Address |
ID |
Unique identifier for the address object. |
Number |
Customer ID |
Customer's globally unique identifier. |
Number |
First Name |
Customer's first name. |
Text |
Last Name |
Customer's last name. |
Text |
Company |
Customer's company name. |
Text |
Address1 |
Customer's first address line. |
Text |
Address2 |
Customer's second address line. |
Text |
City |
Customer's city. |
Text |
Province |
Customer's province or state. |
Text |
Country |
Customer's country. |
Text |
Customer's zip code. |
Text |
Phone |
Customer's phone number. |
Text |
Name |
Customer's full name. |
Text |
Province Code |
Customer's province code or state abbreviation. |
Text |
Country Code |
Customer's country code. |
Text |
Country Name |
Customer's normalized country name. |
Text |
Default? |
Indicates whether the address is the customer's default address. |
True/False |
Email Marketing Consent |
State |
The current email marketing state for the customer. |
Text |
Opt In Level |
The marketing subscription opt-in level, as described in the M3AAWG Sender Best Common Practices, that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by email. |
Text |
Updated At |
Date and time when the customer consented to receive marketing material by email. If no value is provided, then the date and time when the consent information was sent is used. |
Date & Time |
SMS Marketing Consent |
State |
The current SMS marketing state for the customer. |
Text |
Opt In Level |
The marketing subscription opt-in level, as described in the M3AAWG Sender Best Common Practices, that was set when the customer consented to receive marketing information. |
Text |
Updated At |
Date and time when the customer consented to receive marketing material by SMS. If no value is provided, then the date and time when the consent information was sent is used. |
Date & Time |
Collected From |
The source from which the SMS marketing information for the customer was collected. |
Text |