New Message in Channel
Trigger a flow when a new message is added to a Slack channel.
If you pair this Event card with a Send Message to Channel action card, you may create a loop. When a channel is notified that a new message is posted, the flow will respond to its own messages.
Field | Definition | Type | Required |
Channel |
List of public channels you can monitor. A maximum of 200 public channels will be displayed. Even if the number of public channels don't exceed 200, API limitations may prevent some channels from being listed in the Channel dropdown. The dropdown will display only those unarchived channels of which the user who created the Slack connection is a member. To specify a public channel that is not listed, select the Enter Channel ID option and populate the Channel ID input field. If a failure occurs and no channels are listed in the dropdown, then only the Enter Channel ID option will be displayed. |
Dropdown |
Channel ID |
Slack channel's ID; field is not used if a channel is selected from the Channel drop-down. |
Text |
Only IDs for public channels are allowed. If you enter an ID for a private channel in the Channel ID field, you will receive a Slack connection error. Make sure to check the channel ID.
Field | Definition | Type |
Message |
Text |
Text of the message. |
Text |
Timestamp |
Timestamp when the message was added. |
Text |
Author |
Full Name |
User's full name. |
Text |
Username |
User's Slack username (without @ symbol). |
Text |
User ID |
Unique identifier of the user. |
Text |