
The Decrypt function card decrypts input text from a Base64 encoding using a key and specified encryption algorithm.


Field Definition Type Required
algorithm Select the encryption algorithm to use:
  • aes-128-cbc

  • aes-128-ecb

  • aes-256-cbc

  • aes-256-ecb

  • des-cbc

  • des-ecb

Dropdown FALSE
key Text string to use as the decryption key. The must be the same key, along with the specific algorithm, used to encrypt the text. String TRUE
data Encoded text string to decrypt. String TRUE


Field Definition Type
output Decrypted text of your input data. String



  • algorithm: aes-256-cbc

  • key: my secret key

  • data: hrDDPCtB0Cijc8EFAHhABiYEKdYBgt+e63RGV288SOI=


  • My secret message!

This is the inverse of the example provided for the Encrypt card.

If the incorrect algorithm or key is used to decrypt encoded text, the decrypt step in the flow may generate an error. If you need to catch and handle the error, use the If/Error function card.

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Workflow elements