
This function card parses a JSON string into a typed field, such as an object or a list, that you can use in subsequent functions. JSON is a standard format used by web developers to send data to and from RESTful web services.

This function is the inverse of Stringify.

If the input string isn't in a valid JSON format, Workflows returns a runtime error. Be sure also to set the type of the output field to match the actual type represented in the string, or you may encounter runtime errors.

For example, if your input is a string {"a":"this","b":"that","c":"the other"}, then set the output type to be an object. This returns an object with the three keys a, b, and c.

If your input is a string ["this is the first","this is the second","this is the third"], then you should set the output type to be a list of text.


Field Definition Type Required
string String of JSON to parse to a type. String TRUE


Field Definition Type
output JSON value parsed into a specified type. String


See Parse Example.

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