Find Custom

Calling a helper flow allows you to do tests of any complexity (for example, given a list of email addresses for a particular customer, you could look up to find the first one that already exists in your marketing database).

To return all of the items that match a test, use Filter or Filter Custom instead.

Input Fields

Fill out the Find card as follows:

  • list:: The list you want to search

  • flow: The helper flow (as described above) that will be called once for each item in the list, until a match is found

  • with the following values(dynamically generated):

    • item: (will have whatever name you chose when you created your helper flow) Click in the field that will hold the current item from the list and choose "Item." (Or, in some instances, you may also be able to select a specific path within an object if only that value is needed from each item.)

    • You can have optional additional fields on the helper flow event card in helper flow you chose, and those will also show up as input fields.

Output Fields

  • item: First item in the list that results in the helper flow returning True. Make sure to set the type of item to match the type of the list.

  • index: Location of the found item in the original list, where 0 is the first item in the list. Returns -1 if there is no match.


If list is [2,4,12,7,3,8] and flow is set to a helper flow that returns True if a number is an odd number, and Item is passed to the helper flow's input, then the output item is 7 (the first item in the list where the helper flow returns True) and index is 3.

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