
Build a math expression by combining operators, functions and numbers that you enter with fields that you drag and drop into the Formula card. You can place fields of the type Number anywhere in the expression where there can be a number. At runtime, the expression is evaluated using the values of the fields to generate a single; output number.

You can use the following operators:

  • + for addition

  • - for subtraction (or negative)

  • * for multiply

  • / for divide

  • ^ for power; for example, 10^2 returns 100

  • % for remainder; for example, 12%5 returns 2

  • ! for factorial; for example, 3! returns 6

  • # allows you to add a comment to your expression (anything you type after the # is ignored when the expression is evaluated)

Use parentheses to group operations so they calculate together first.

You can also use standard math functions (with arguments inside parentheses), including:

  • abs - absolute value; for example, abs(-10) returns 10

  • ceil - rounds up to the nearest integer

  • floor - rounds down to the nearest integer

  • min - the smallest of a comma separated list of numbers

  • max - the largest of a comma separated list of numbers

  • round - rounds to the nearest integer

  • random - a random number between 0 and a given value, or 1 if followed by empty parentheses; for example, random(10) or random()

  • exp - e to the power of a given value

  • log - the logarithm using base e of a value

  • log10 - the logarithm using base 10 of a value

  • pow - the first parameter to the power of the second parameter; for example, pow(2,3) returns 8

  • sqrt - the square root of a value

  • pi - the value for pi (use without parentheses)

  • sin - the sine of an provided angle in radians

  • cos - the cosine of an provided angle in radians

  • tan - the tangent of an provided angle in radians

  • asin - the arcsine of a value between -1 and 1

  • acos - the arccosine of a value between -1 and 1

  • atan - the arctangent of a value between -1 and 1

  • sinh - the hyperbolic sine of a value between -1 and 1

  • cosh - the hyperbolic cosine of a value between -1 and 1

  • tanh - the hyperbolic tangent of a value between -1 and 1

You can combine multiple operations, such as:


And number fields (such as dropping an output from a previous card into the middle of a calculation) can be used in place of any number value.

For binary arithmetic, use & (bitwise and), ~ (bitwise not), | (bitwise or), ^| (bitwise xor), << (left shift), and >> (right shift).


The function has one large input area that accepts a combination of numbers, operators, and math functions you type with number fields you drag/drop in.


The calculation that results from evaluating the expression using the values of the fields at runtime.

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