
Run a simple true or false test. For instance, you might check to see if a Type field is equal to "Customer" or if a Price field is greater than 1000.

Input Fields

  • value a: the value to be compared

  • comparison: what comparison to make (see table below)

  • value b: the value to compare against

IMPORTANT: Be sure to set the type of value a and value b to reflect how you would like the comparison to be done. For instance, the operator "greater than" compares numbers based on numeric value but text based on alphabetical sort order. So the number comparison 80 > 9 is true, but the text comparison "80" > "9" is false.

Output Fields

  • result: the result of the conditional statement, either true or false

Table of Relational Operators


Use Case

equal to Compare two texts, numbers, dates or true/false to see if they have the same value.
not equal Compare two texts, numbers, dates or true/false to see if they have different values. To compare objects, use this option instead of doesn't have key.
greater than or equal Compare two texts, numbers or dates to see if the first has the same or greater value than the second.
less than or equal Compare two texts, numbers or dates to see if the first has the same or lesser value than the second.
greater than Compare two texts, numbers or dates to see if the first has a greater value than the second.
less than Compare two texts, numbers or dates to see if the first has a lesser value than the second.
a multiple of Compare two numbers to see if value a is an exact multiple of value b. For example, 12, 0 and -4 are all multiples of 4, but 2, 3 and 7 are not.
in Compare two texts to see if value a is a part of value b. For example, "test" is in "this is a test", but there is no "i" in "team".

not in

Compare two texts to see if value a is not part of value b.

has key

When value a is an object and value b is text, tests to see if the object has a key with the specified name. For example, true if value a is {"test":123} and value b is "test".

doesn't have key

When value a is an object and value b is text, tests to see if the object does not have a key with the specified name.

is empty

Checks to see if value a is empty; ignores value b. Definition of "empty" varies by type. Note: Only works for Text and Object. Numbers, Dates, T/F, are viewed as empty.

is not empty

Checks to see if value a is not empty. Note: Only works for Text and Object. Numbers, Dates, T/F, are viewed as empty.

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