Past Access Requests report

Use this report to view who has requested access to resources and related data points, including whether access was granted and by whom. You can also monitor resource demand in the past and use the report to help meet your org's audit and compliance requirements.

The report shows only previously resolved requests or those marked as done. It doesn't include requests that use conditions.

Before you begin

  • Sign in as a super admin, org admin, read-only admin, mobile admin, or reports admin.
  • Disable your browser's pop-up blocker.

Known limitations

  • Currently, the Past Access Requests report shows details only for approved requests. Denied requests include an ID that you can use to look up requests in Access Requests .

  • The report presents limited information for an access request that doesn't result in a user being assigned to an application or added to a group in Okta. For more details about a request, see Access Requests

Get the report

  1. In the Admin Console, go to ReportsReports.
  2. In the Entitlements and Access section, click Past Access Requests.
  3. Click Edit Filters.
  4. Select one of the following fields, choose an operator, and then enter an appropriate value:
    ResourceSelect one or more resources to include or exclude.
    Requester Select one or more requesters to include or exclude.
    Approver Select one or more approvers to include or exclude.
    Resource typeSelect either Application, Group, or both. Or choose an Operator to return records where the type is set or is not set.
    Requested Select a date if the operator is before or after.
    DecidedSelect a date if the operator is before or after.
    DecisionSelect Approved, Denied, or both. You can also choose an Operator to return records where the decision is set or is not set.

    Request type name

    Enter a name for the resource type, or choose an Operator to return records where a name is set or is not set.
    Time to resolvedEnter or select a whole number of hours.
    Time boundedSelect true or false to indicate whether a deadline was set for the request.
    Resource grantedSelect true or false to indicate whether the request was granted.
  5. Optional. Click Add Filter to add more filters, or click X to remove a filter.
  6. Click Apply to view the report.

    To download the report, click CSV Export.

The source data for this report is refreshed periodically throughout the day. A change that has occurred since the last refresh may not be reflected yet.Okta stores this data for three years and then removes it automatically. See Customer data retention policy.

Related topics

Past Campaign Details report

Past Campaign Summary report

Past Access Requests (Conditions) report