Remove User from Organization

Removes the specified user from your organization on GitHub.

To use this action card in a flow, you must set up SAML support for your app in your GitHub instance. You must also be the owner of the organization.

To set up SAML support between Okta and GitHub, see Configuring SAML single sign-on and SCIM using Okta.

This removal action doesn't depend on how the user was added to the GitHub organization. If you used a SCIM API call to add the user to the organization, then the user's SCIM information is deleted also. See Add User to Organization.

If you use this card to remove a user added through the GitHub SCIM API but who hasn't accepted their invitation, then the invitation is canceled. However, the user's SCIM information remains in your GitHub organization. To send the user a new invitation through a SCIM API call, you must first call the GitHub Delete a SCIM user from an organization endpoint. This action can be done through the Custom API Action card or any other API solution.


Field Definition Type Required
Organization Organizations in GitHub.




Field Definition Type Required

Username for the user. This can be a sign-in account or a username.




Field Definition Type
Status Code

Result of the operation. The connector returns an HTTP status code that indicates whether the action taken by the card succeeded or failed. For example:

  • A 201 Created status code indicates success where a new resource was created.
  • A 403 Forbidden error indicates that the HTTP request wasn't processed because the necessary permissions were missing.

For a full list of possible status codes, see HTTP status codes.


Related topics

GitHub connector

Workflow elements

GitHub API documentation