Google Calendar connector

Google Calendar is a time-management and scheduling calendar service.

Authorize your Google Calendar account



Authorization When you add an Google Calendar card to a flow for the first time, you'll be prompted to create a new connection.
Set up transfer of ownership Transfer one or more calendars to another user.

Google Calendar connector event cards



Monitor New Events Monitors for a new event added to a specific calendar.
Monitor Updated Events Monitors for any events that have been updated on a specific calendar.

Google Calendar connector action cards



Add User to Calendar Add a user to a shared Google Calendar.
Create New Event Add a new event to your Google Calendar account on a specified calendar.
Create Reminder Create a reminder on a Google Calendar.
Create Transfer Request Create a request to transfer data from one Google Calendar account to another.
Custom API Action Make a custom, authenticated HTTP call to the Google Calendar API.
Delete Event Delete an existing event on a Google calendar.
Get Event Information Use a calendar Event ID get information about an event.
Is Free Slot Check a specific calendar to see if a time slot has an existing event or is available.
Move Event Move an event in your Google Calendar account.
Read All Calendars Read all calendars in your Google Calendar account.
Read Available Time Slots Find available time slots in your Google Calendar account.
Read Event Information Use a calendar Event ID get information about an event.
Read Transfer Request Read a transfer request in a Google Calendar account.
Remove User from Calendar Remove a user from a shared Google Calendar.
Search Events Search for an event in your Google Calendar account.
Search Rooms Search for rooms in Google Calendar.
Search Transfer Request Search for a transfer request in your Google Calendar account using transfer ID.
Update Event Update an existing event in your Google Calendar account on a specified calendar.