Create Track Event

Create a new track event in Mixpanel.


Field Definition Type Required
Event Name Name for the track event. For example, "Signed up", or "Uploaded Photo".



Profile ID User profile's unique identifier; equivalent to the Mixpanel distinct_id field.



Time Time an event occurred. If present, the value should be a unix timestamp (seconds since midnight, January 1st, 1970 - UTC).

Date & Time


IP Address IP address where the event occurred



Each Mixpanel event is limited to 2,000 properties. See Event Properties.

The following limits apply to field sizes for properties in a Mixpanel profile:

  • A maximum of 255 bytes for string-type properties

  • A maximum of 255 characters for each item in list-type properties

This card supports dynamic fields. To add fields to this card, click the empty field at the bottom of the input field list under Click or drop here to create. To reorder fields, select Edit card from the Options menu and drag fields to their new location.


Field Definition Type
Status Code

Result of the operation. The connector returns an HTTP status code that indicates whether the action taken by the card succeeded or failed. For example:

  • A 201 Created status code indicates success where a new resource was created.
  • A 403 Forbidden error indicates that the HTTP request wasn't processed because the necessary permissions were missing.

For a full list of possible status codes, see HTTP status codes.


Related topics

Mixpanel connector

Workflow elements

Mixpanel API Reference