Mixpanel connector

Mixpanel is a commerce platform for product analytics. Use the Mixpanel connector to create, update, read, and delete product profiles and track user-product interactions.

Authorize your Mixpanel account

When you add an Mixpanel card to a flow for the first time, you'll be prompted to create a new connection. See Authorization.

Mixpanel connector action cards



Create Track Event Create a new track event in Mixpanel.
Create Profile Create a new user profile in Mixpanel.
Custom API Action Make a custom authenticated HTTP call to the Mixpanel API.
Delete Profile Delete a user profile in Mixpanel.
Read Profile Read a user profile in Mixpanel.
Search Track Events Search for track events in Mixpanel.
Search Profiles Search for user profiles in Mixpanel.
Update Profile Updated a user profile in Mixpanel.