Search Profiles
Search for user profiles in Mixpanel.
Field | Definition | Type | Required |
Project Name |
Name of the user's Mixpanel project |
Dropdown |
Result Set |
Choose whether the search returns First Matching Profile or All Matching Profiles |
Dropdown |
Due to limitations to the Mixpanel API, a 60-second delay is recommended between creating a profile in Mixpanel and searching for a new profile using the Search Profiles action card. See Mixpanel FAQs.
Due to limitations to the Mixpanel API, you can use the Search Profiles action card to make a maximum of 400 requests per hour.
Field | Definition | Type | Required |
Name |
Name of the user. |
Text |
First Name |
User's first name |
Text |
Last Name |
User's last name |
Text |
Created |
Date and time when the object was created. |
Date & Time |
User's email address |
Text |
Phone |
User's phone number |
Text |
This card supports dynamic fields. To add fields to this card, click the empty field at the bottom of the input field list under Click or drop here to create. To reorder fields, select Edit card from the Options menu and drag fields to their new location.
Field | Definition | Type |
Profile |
Profile ID |
User profile's unique identifier; equivalent to the Mixpanel distinct_id field. |
Text |
Properties |
Avatar |
User's avatar; URLresource of a .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, or .png image file to update the profile picture in a profile. |
Text |
Name |
Name of the user. |
Text |
First Name |
User's first name |
Text |
Last Name |
User's last name |
Text |
Created |
Date and time when the object was created. |
Date & Time |
Last Seen |
Date and time when the user profile was last seen, in ISO 8601 format. For example, 2021-01-20T09:35-08. |
Date & Time |
User's email address |
Text |
Phone |
User's phone number |
Text |
City |
City of the event sender parsed from the IP property or the Latitude and Longitude properties |
Text |
Region |
Region (state or province) of the event sender parsed from the IP property or the Latitude and Longitude properties |
Text |
Country Code |
Country of the event sender parsed from the IP property or the Latitude and Longitude properties |
Text |
Timezone |
Time zone of the event sender parsed from the IP property or the Latitude and Longitude properties |
Text |
Geo Source |
Defines the method used to establish the location properties on that same entity. Location properties include Country, Region, and City. |
Text |
Custom Properties |
List of custom properties for the user profile |
Object |
A maximum of 2,000 properties can be returned for a profile. All such properties will returned in the Custom Properties output field.