Update Event

Update an existing event in Office 365 Calendar Event ID.


Field Definition Type Required

Choose the calendar type:

My Calendars: calendars owned by a connected user.

User Calendars: user calendar shared or delegated with a connected user.



Update Empty Fields? Used to clear data. For example, to remove attendees, recurring events. Choose one of the following options:
  • Yes: clear an existing input value with an empty field.
  • No: updates inputs.




Field Definition Type Required

Update In

Calendar Choose a calendar.

Appears when My calendars is selected from the Calendar option.



User ID or Username Unique ID of the user or username.

Appears when User Calendars is selected from the Calendar option.



Calendar ID Unique ID of the calendar.

Appears when User Calendars is selected from the Calendar option.



Update By
Event ID

Unique ID of the event.


Subject Subject of the event.

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.



Body Body of the message associated with the event. It can be in HTML or text format.

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.



Start Date and time that was set when the event was created.

For example, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

Requires that the Start Time Zone field is defined.

Appears when No is selected from the Update empty fields? option.

Date & Time


Start Time Zone Represents a time zone when the event was started.

For example, Pacific Standard Time.

Appears when No is selected from the Update empty fields? option.



End Date and time that was set when the event ended.

For example, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

Requires that the End Time Zone field is defined.

Appears when No is selected from the Update empty fields? option.

Date & Time


End Time Zone Represents a time zone when the event ended.

For example, Pacific Standard Time.

Appears when My calendars is selected from the Calendar option.

Appears when No is selected from the Update empty fields? option.



Required Attendees Email addresses of attendees for the event.

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.

List of Text


Optional Attendees Optional email addresses of attendees for the event.

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.

List of Text


Reminder Minutes Before Start Number of minutes before the event start time that the reminder alert occurs.

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.



Is Reminder On? True if an alert is set to remind the user of the event; otherwise, False.

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.



Is All Day? True if the event lasts all day; otherwise, False. If true, regardless of whether it's a single-day or multi-day event, start and end time must be set to midnight and be in the same time zone.

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.



Response Requested? True if a response to the event is required; otherwise, False.

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.



Allow New Time Proposals? True if the meeting organizer allows invitees to propose a new time when responding; otherwise, False.

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.



Hide Attendees? True if each attendee only sees themselves in the meeting request and meeting Tracking list; otherwise, False.

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.



Importance Indicates the importance of the event. Possible values are:
  • Low

  • Normal

  • High

Appears when No is selected from the Update empty fields? option.



Sensitivity Indicates the sensitivity of the event. Possible values are:
  • Normal

  • Personal

  • Private

  • Confidential

Appears when No is selected from the Update empty fields? option.



Is Online Meeting? True if this event has online meeting information; otherwise False.



Room IDs Unique identifiers of rooms.

Identifiers are accepted from the Search Events card.

List of Text


Recurrence Pattern Recurrence Recurrence Pattern appears when Yes is selected from the Update empty fields? option.

Recurrence appears when No is selected from the Update empty fields? option.

Pattern Type Recurrence pattern type for the event. Choose a pattern type:
  • Daily: Event repeats based on the number of days specified by interval between occurrences.
  • Weekly: Event repeats on the same day or days of the week, based on the number of weeks between each set of occurrences.

  • Absolute Monthly: Event repeats on the specified day of the month (e.g. the 15th), based on the number of months between occurrences.
  • Relative Monthly: Event repeats on the specified day or days of the week, in the same relative position in the month, based on the number of months between occurrences.
  • Absolute Yearly: Event repeats on the specified day and month, based on the number of years between occurrences.
  • Relative Yearly: Event repeats on the specified day or days of the week, in the same relative position in a specific month of the year, based on the number of years between occurrences.

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.



Pattern Interval Number of units between occurrences, where units can be in days, weeks, months, or years, depending on the type.

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.



Pattern Month Month in which the event occurs. This is a number from 1 to 12.

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.



Pattern Day of Month Day of the month on which the event occurs.

Required if Pattern Type is Absolute Monthly or Absolute Yearly.

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.



Pattern Days of Week Day of the week on which the event occurs.

If type is Relative Monthly or Relative Yearly, and Days Of Week specifies more than one day, the event falls on the first day that satisfies the pattern.

Required if Pattern Type is, Weekly, Relative Monthly, or Relative Yearly.

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.

List of Text


Pattern First Day of Week First day of the week. Possible values are:
  • Sunday

  • Monday

  • Tuesday

  • Wednesday

  • Thursday

  • Friday

  • Saturday

Required if Pattern Type is, Weekly.

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.



Pattern Index Specifies on which instance of the allowed days specified in Days of Week the event occurs, counted from the first instance in the month. Possible values:
  • First
  • Second
  • Third
  • Fourth
  • Last

Required if Pattern Type is Relative Monthly, or Relative Yearly.

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.



Recurrence Range Appears when Yes is selected from the Update empty fields? option.
Range Type Recurrence range. The possible values are:
  • End Date

  • No End

  • Numbered

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.



Range Start Date Date to start applying the recurrence pattern. The first occurrence of the meeting may be this date or later, depending on the recurrence pattern of the event. Must be the same value as the start property of the recurring event.

For example, YYYY-MM-DD

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.

Date & Time


Range End Date Date to stop applying the recurrence pattern. Depending on the recurrence pattern of the event, the last occurrence of the meeting may not be this date. Required if Pattern Type is End Date.

For example, YYYY-MM-DD

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.

Date & Time


Range Recurrence Time Zone Time zone for the Start Date and End Date properties. Optional. If not specified, the time zone of the event is used.

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.



Range Number of Occurrences Number of times to repeat the event.

Required if Range Type is Number.

Appears when Yes or No are selected from the Update empty fields? option.




Field Definition Type
Status Code

Result of the operation. The connector returns an HTTP status code that indicates whether the action taken by the card succeeded or failed. For example:

  • A 201 Created status code indicates success where a new resource was created.
  • A 403 Forbidden error indicates that the HTTP request wasn't processed because the necessary permissions were missing.

For a full list of possible status codes, see HTTP status codes.


Additional Information

A 200 Updated status code indicates that the event was updated successfully.

To clear the following data, choose Yes from Update empty fields? option:

  • Subject: to clear Subject

  • Body: to clear body

  • Required and Optional Attendees: to remove all attendees

  • Reminder Minutes Before Start: to remove reminder

  • Locations list: to remove all locations

  • Pattern Type:

    • to remove recurring events for current parent event to remove recurring events for current parent event
    • when events are removed from recurring events, the Recurrence Range Start Date is still available

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Office 365 Calendar connector

Workflow elements

Guidance for Office 365 Calendar connector

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