List Groups Assigned to Application

List group assignments for an application in Okta.


Field Definition Type Required

Select which application you want to use for the group assignment search.

Choose Enter Application ID to select an application by its ID.

The maximum number of application instances displayed is 100. If server or network connectivity issues cause a timeout, then Enter Application ID is the only option displayed.



Result Set

Choose one of the following options to display your search results.

  • First 200 Records - Returns the first 200 groups.

  • Stream Records - Pass all matching tickets from your parent flow to a helper flow. A Streaming input section is added to the card where you can select a helper flow for streaming and adding custom extensible fields.



To learn how to use the Stream Records option and set up a helper flow to return a large number of records, see Stream matching records with a helper flow.


Field Definition Type Required



Unique ID of the application.

This field appears when you select the Enter Application ID option in the Application field.





Click Choose Flow to browse and select a helper flow where the search results will be streamed, then click Choose to confirm.

Optionally, click the empty field under Click or drop here to create and add custom extensible fields that pass data to the helper flow. These fields are added as key/value pairs under the State output object in the helper flow.

This field appears when you select the Stream Records option in the Result Set field.



List Criteria

Record Limit

Specify the number of records to stream.

  • When the field is set to less than 0, the card returns an error.

  • When the field is set to either 0 or a value greater than 0, the stream returns up to the maximum number specified.

  • When the field is empty, null, or not selected, the stream returns all records.

  • The default value is 1000000 (1 million).

  • The valid range is from 0 to 1000000.

This field appears when you select Stream Matching Records from the Result Set option.




Field Definition Type

List of the groups assigned to the application.

List of Objects


Unique ID for the group.

This field appears when you select the First 200 Records option in the Result Set field.


Last Updated

Time stamp of the last group update.

This field appears when you select the First 200 Records option in the Result Set field.

Date & Time


Priority of the group assignment.

This field appears when you select the First 200 Records option in the Result Set field.



Discoverable resources related to the group.

This field appears when you select the First 200 Records option in the Result Set field.



Valid JSON schema for specifying properties. The field displays when the OAuth 2.0 authentication option is selected in the Okta Create a new app integration page. See Add app integrations.

This field appears when you select the First 200 Records option in the Result Set field.


Records Streamed

Specified the number of streamed records.

This field appears when you select the Stream Records option in the Result Set field.


Related topics

Okta connector

Workflow elements

Guidance for Okta connector

Okta API documentation