Zoho Mail connector

Zoho Mail is a secure and reliable business email solution for your org's communication needs. The Zoho Mail connector allows you to incorporate Okta Workflows to accelerate your business email operations.

Using Okta Workflows, you can call the Zoho Mail API to manage user accounts and aliases, search for users, and send emails.

Authorize your Zoho Mail account

When you add a Zoho Mail card to a flow for the first time, Okta Workflows prompts you to configure the connection. This connection links to your Zoho Mail account and saves your account information so that you can reuse this connection for future Zoho Mail flows.

See Authorization.

Zoho Mail connector action cards



Add Email Alias

Add email aliases for a user in a specific Zoho Mail org.

Add User to Organization

Add a user to a Zoho Mail organization.

Custom API Action

Make an authenticated HTTP request to the Zoho Mail API.

Disable User Account

Disable the mail account functionality for a user in Zoho Mail.

Enable User Account

Enable the mail account functionality for a user in Zoho Mail.

List Users

List users in a Zoho Mail organization.

Read User

Get the details of a user in a specific Zoho Mail organization.

Remove Email Alias

Remove email aliases for a user in a specific Zoho Mail organization.

Send Email

Send an email using Zoho Mail.