View flow execution history

To see the data that has passed through a particular execution of your flow, open the flow and click Execution History.

With the save IO data feature active, you can select any flow result in the Execution History side panel to see the full history.

  • The main page shows the input and output fields with the values returned during the flow execution.

  • If the flow stopped or failed, the card containing the invalid data is marked with an error.

  • If calls to other applications supplied raw error content, that information is included for debugging purposes.

  • Cards that were successfully executed show a green check mark and the duration.

  • The Execution History side panel shows the flow's status, start time, duration, and latency details. You can collapse this panel to give more space to the main page.

  • The History Inspector view shows the execution metadata for each card inside a single flow execution.

History Inspector

Early Access release

The History Inspector view provides detailed metadata about the execution of any flow in your Execution History. You can use this information to examine and resolve issues with flow optimization, resource usage, network latency, or overall flow execution speed.

  1. In the Execution History side panel, click the flow result that you want to explore in the History Inspector.

  2. The bottom of the Execution History view displays a collapsed window indicating the execution timestamp. Click the up arrow to expand the History Inspector.

While reviewing any flow in the Execution History view, you can click the Inspect history icon on any card. This opens the History Inspector view for that flow execution and highlights the results for the specific card.

History Inspector details

In addition to the Total row that shows the cumulative totals for the execution, the History Inspector breaks out every card execution into individual fields.

Name Description


The positional number of the card inside the flow.

Name The event, action, or function card name.

The result of the card process. The available status values are:

  • In Progress

  • Success

  • Canceled

  • Error

Start The time when the card execution began. This time is local to your system.


The local time when the card execution finished.

Duration The total length of time that the card took to execute. This includes any network latency time.
Steps The number of steps executed by the Okta engine to execute the card. This is an approximate measure of the system load required to execute this card.

Data in

The amount of data, in kilobytes, that the card received as input.

Data out

The amount of data, in kilobytes, that the card returned as output.

Number of retries

If a card execution didn't complete, the number of retries needed for the card execution to complete.


The execution mode for this particular card. The available modes are:

  • Flow details: shows an image of a dash mark, indicating that the flow executed at the standard rate. - Standard

  • Flow details: shows an image of a lightning bolt, indicating that the flow executed at the low-latency rate. - Low-latency

  • Flow details: shows an image of an exclamation mark, indicating that the flow executed at the throttled rate. - Throttled

These individual execution modes contribute to the overall mode for the flow. Reviewing these card modes can help you debug why the overall flow ran in either Standard or Throttled execution mode. See Execution history details.

Also, in the Execution History side panel, the column beside the Start column has a dropdown column header for you to select from the available History Inspector fields. This helps to give you a relative comparison of that field for all recorded flow executions.

Execution history after data changes

If the flow has changed since a prior execution, the values appear differently:

  • There are no values shown for any cards or fields added after that execution.

  • For any cards that changed position, the values display in the new position.

  • No values are given for any deleted fields or cards.

Filter your execution history

Use any of these filters to narrow the results shown in the Execution History pane.

Search filter

You can run a full-text search across all execution histories for a single flow.

Enter your search text in the Search text within execution... field. This search runs against all data passed through any card and any input and output labels, returned error text, or card names.

Okta Workflows supports the following special characters in the text search operation:

Special character Behavior Example Sample match Notes


Acts as an AND operator

Workflows + Okta

Workflows is an amazing product at Okta

Spaces in phrases that aren't enclosed in quotation marks are assumed to be AND searches.


Acts as an OR operator

Workflows | Okta

Workflows is an amazing product


Okta makes identity easy


Acts as a wild card



Partial matches aren't included in the results unless the * is used.


Wraps several terms into an exact phrase

"I love Workflows"

I love Workflows


Wraps a clause for precedence

(Okta | Workflows) + love

I love Okta


I love Workflows


Sets search fuzziness, when used after a term



Here n is a positive integer.


Negates a term

Workflows -Okta

I love Workflows

But not:

I love Okta Workflows

Execution status filter

The Execution History pane also has a dropdown menu that allows you to filter the search results according to the final execution status of the flow.

Status Notes

All results, regardless of the status. This is the default option.

Error Flows that resulted in an error and didn't complete successfully.
Success Flows that completed successfully.
In Progress Flows that haven't completed.

Flows that were throttled during execution. See Execution limits.


Flows that have been canceled. See Cancel a flow execution.

Date and time range filter

You can also filter the results to a single hour using the date and time filter.

  1. Click the calendar icon in the right panel of the Execution History page.

  2. Use the From and To fields to set the date and time range for your query. The default filter shows all executions available up to the current day.

  3. Click the X next to the input field to reset the filter.

Related topics

View flow execution history

Execution history details

Save flow data to execution history

Clear flow execution history