Event and log reporting

The logging of activity for Okta Workflows is split into several components:

  • Flow execution history

  • Execution Log Streaming

  • System Log events

Flow execution history

Each card in a flow contains input values, output values, and options. If you choose to Save flow data to execution history every time you execute the flow, Okta tracks the data passed through each card in the flow. After the flow runs, you can view these values for every card in your flow. This helps you to confirm that a flow is running properly or to troubleshoot any errors.

This history is available on the Execution History page of your flow. Anyone with the appropriate privileges can view these details for up to 30 days.

See View flow execution history.

Execution Log Streaming

Early Access release

When a flow runs, Okta records metadata about the execution event. This metadata doesn't include the card-specific input and output values found in the execution history. Instead, this is a record of the event itself. It includes information such as the time, the location, the type of the flow, and the end state of the execution.

You can send this metadata to a downstream logging service for notification, analysis, and troubleshooting.

No sensitive information is included in the metadata recorded by this feature. See Event metadata for Execution Log Streaming.

See Execution Log Streaming.

The Execution Log Streaming feature in Okta Workflows is different than the streaming of Okta System Log events. For that functionality, see Log streaming (Okta System Log).

This feature is also different from the Auth0 Log Streams feature. See Log Streams.

Okta System Log

For Okta Workflows, the System Log records user-directed actions. The Event Types API contains a catalog of Workflows-related events sent to the Okta System Log. These events are separate from those recorded by the flow execution history or the Execution Log Streaming feature.

The Execution Log Streaming feature introduces five event types to the Okta System Log for changes to the org and individual flows. See System events for Execution Log Streaming.

Delegated flows

The Okta System Log also records when a user runs a delegated flow through the workflows.user.delegatedflow.run event.

However, the Execution Log Streaming feature also records two metadata events for a delegated flow:

  • An event when the delegated flow is triggered

  • A separate event that contains the metadata for the flow called by the delegated flow