Import user entitlements from CSV
Early Access release. See Enable self-service features.
You can add or update an existing user entitlement schema by uploading a CSV file of user entitlement information. This method is primarily used to provide governance capabilities to disconnected apps, which are apps that aren't fully LCM integrated within Okta.
Before you begin
- Sign in as a super admin, an app admin, or an admin with the following permissions:
- Manage applications
- Edit application's user assignments
- Edit groups' application assignments or Edit users' application assignments
- Ensure that you're assigned to the Okta Entitlement Management app.
- Enable Governance Engine for the app. See Enable Governance Engine.
- Configure the following profile attributes for the app:
- login
- firstName
- lastName
See Profile types.
- Map the profile apps to Okta. See Map profile attributes.
Start this task
In the Admin Console, go to .
- Select a provisioning-enabled app that supports Governance Engine (Entitlement Management). See Supported applications for Entitlement Management.
- Go to the Import tab and click Import from CSV.
- In the Import Users from CSV dialog, click the CSV Template link to download a CSV template file. Edit the file, adding the user and entitlement data that you want to import to Okta. Ensure that your file complies with the User entitlement CSV guidelines.
- Click Upload CSV. A validation process runs to ensure that the file is properly formatted and that all attribute requirements are met. The Upload results displays information about what was uploaded from the file, including the number of entitlement attributes that were discovered.
- If there are no formatting issues with the file, click Import Users.
- The Import Results screen displays a summary of the import. Review user mappings and select the users to import. Click Confirm Assignments to import the selected users.
Click Confirm in the Confirm Imported User Assignments dialog. This starts the process of assigning entitlements to users, including creating users when applicable.
It may take some time before entitlements are assigned to users.
User entitlement CSV guidelines
You can only import user entitlements from CSV files that adhere to the following guidelines. These guidelines assume that you're using the template file that you can download from the Import entitlement schema from CSV dialog.
- The first row of the template file defines the columns for each record of the file. Don't delete this row from your CSV file.
- Each subsequent row must contain one user with all mandatory information entered in the correct columns.
- Entitlement headers must be in the following format, with the ent_ prefix followed by the entitlement name: ent_[entitlementName]
- entitlementName values can't include spaces. For example, use ent_permission_set and ent_featureLicense, not ent_permission set or ent_feature license.
- Profile attributes can't begin with ent_.
- Entitlement column data for single value entitlements should be comma-separated, while multi-valued entitlements should be comma-separated and begin and end with quotes (for example, "value1,value2").
- The template includes two sample entitlement column values (ent_Entitlement1 and ent_Entitlement2). You can choose to use these values or replace them with your own values.
- Entitlement limits are subject to those listed in Considerations and limits .
- ,, and ,"", are both treated as empty strings and are considered to be identical.
- Only full user imports are supported. Incremental imports aren't supported.
The following is an example of a compliant user entitlement CSV file. It follows the default format that spreadsheet apps use when exporting to CSV. Specifically, multi-valued entitlements in spreadsheets don't appear enclosed in quotes, but are enclosed in quotes in the exported file.
Username,First Name,Last Name,Email,ent_Entitlement1,ent_UserType,ent_optionalEntitlement,ent_customEntitlement,Andi,Green,,"Reader,Writer,Editor",Full User,Optional Entitlement,"Custom1,Custom2",Riley,Brown,,Reader,Limited User,,Custom1,Leslie,Black,,"Reader,Writer,Editor",Full User,,"Custom1,Custom2,Custom3"