Okta Workflows - Production release notes

Current release

Production release of Okta Workflows 2024.05.0 began deployment on May 14, 2024.

Improvements to Execution History interface

The card duration indicators for Execution History have been updated for clarity and accuracy.

Updates to address mis-typed date conversions

The True-False Expression function card now converts Date fields to a UNIX timestamp when a Date type output field is used as input for a Number type field. Previously, this conversion returned a value of 0. Update any flows containing a card where a Date output was sent to a Number input and the result was then modified to return a UNIX timestamp.

Fixes in Okta Workflows

  • OKTA-712091

    The Delete Import Session card for the Okta connector reported a failure when an XaaS job was stuck.

  • OKTA-719410

    When admins created a connector in Connector Builder, the text they entered in the description field of the Create new connector dialog wasn't saved.

  • OKTA-722302

    When running delegated flows from the Okta Admin Console, the event metadata wasn't recorded by the System Log.

  • OKTA-724710

    Attempting to import a flow that contained an Export Folder card resulted in a TypeError message and the import action failed. Also, any successful import actions didn't show the name of the flow in the pop-up notification banner.


For previous releases, see Okta Workflows release notes (2024).